Public Hearing on Proposed Amendments to Nevada Administrative Code 379
Starting at 10:00 AM
In-Person Location:
Nevada State Library, Archives and Public Records
100 North Stewart St, Carson City, NV 89701
Virtual Meeting Location:
Meeting ID: 240 596 125 351
Passcode: DV7HZ7JT
Dial by Phone
+1 775-321-6111,,116030647# United States, Reno
Phone conference ID: 116 030 647#
Members of the public may attend the meeting virtually or attend in-person at the Nevada State Library, Archives and Public Records, 100 North Stewart St, Carson City, NV 89701. To request electronic meeting materials, or submit public comment via email, please contact the Nevada State Library, Archives and Public Records Administrative Assistant at 775-684-3339 or
Starting at 10 am
In-person location
Nevada State Library, Archives and Public Records
100 North Stewart St, Carson City, NV 89701
Virtual meeting location:
Meeting ID: 220 171 045 950
Passcode: WzZrNk
Dial in by phone
+1 775-321-6111,,328539355# United States, Reno
Phone conference ID: 328 539 355#
Members of the public may attend the meeting virtually or attend in-person at the Nevada State Library, Archives and Public Records, 100 North Stewart St, Carson City, NV 89701. To request electronic meeting materials, or submit public comment via email, please contact the Nevada State Library, Archives and Public Records Administrative Assistant at 775-684-3339 or