Eligibility: All residents of the State of Nevada eighteen years of age or older, are eligible to become patrons with the Nevada State Library (NSL).
In order to check out material from the NSL, a person must have an active library card issued by either the NSL or a card issued by a library participating in the Nevada Library Cooperative (the CoOp). Please note: if you are already a patron of a CoOp library, do not register for a NSL account. To change your home library system from another CoOp library to the NSL, please contact us.
Beatty Library | Lyon County Library System | Pershing County Library |
Carson City Library | Mineral County Library | *Sparks Heritage Museum |
Churchill County Library | *Nevada Historical Society | Storey County Community Library |
MyBrary (Elko/Eureka County Library | Nevada State Library, Archives & Public Records | Tonopah Library District |
Esmeralda County Libraries | *Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas | White Pine County Library |
Humboldt County Library | * The Nevada Historical Society, Nevada State Museum, and Sparks Heritage Museum do not issue library cards. |
Obtaining a Nevada State Library card will also allow for access to any of our electronic databases.
To apply online for a library card with the NSL, please visit the Online Registration page. In order to finalize your application, your identity and Nevada residency will need to be verified by an NSL employee, either electronically or in person. Examples of verification documentation include a Nevada ID or driver’s license with current information, or a combination of state issued identification as well as a current bill or bank statement.
If you prefer to submit your documents electronically, you can attach them to the Ask-A-Librarian form.