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Council on the Arts

This collection (NvSA-000187) contains the records of the Council on the Arts from 1963-1994. The 22 c.f. of materials consist of minutes, correspondence, newsletters, legislative information, and reports.

To learn more about the council, download the history here:

Contents Dates


NSCA Files

The series consists of the minutes of Council meetings, correspondence and newsletters. Additional and duplicate minutes are available in Nevada Documents 29AR7.


3 cu. ft.

Grant Files

This series constitutes the bulk of the agency collection, reflecting its primary function, and includes the various programs and projects supported by the NSCA. This series includes files for all grants awarded by the Council.


18 cu. ft.

Governor's Arts Award

This is an annual program initiated in 1980 by the office of Nevada's chief executive in coordination with the NSCA to honor outstanding contributors to the arts. The Council initiated the first awards program in 1978 as the Decade Award in honor of the Council's first ten years. Early materials in this series document the creation of the Advisory Commission on the Arts in 1963 and the legislative effort to create the Council in 1967.


0.75 cu. ft.

National Endowment for the Arts

The NSCA receives the bulk of its funding from the National Endowment for the Arts and disperses those funds through grants to support leadership positions for community arts councils for cultural activities, and to survey Nevada's Native American colonies and reservations. This series consists of evaluation reports for Nevada grants, fiscal and final reports, and correspondence.

1972-1993 0.6 cu. ft.

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