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Nevada State Data Center

2020 Census Information

About the 2020 Census

As mandated by the U.S. Constitution, America counts its population each decade. The U.S. Census counts every resident in the United States. It is mandated by Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution. The data collected determines the number of seats each state has in the U.S. House of Representatives and is also used to distribute federal funds to local communities.

Count on Libraries!

The 2020 Census will be conducted primarily online and library staff will be on the front lines to assist!

Assisting people with their Census forms is just one way libraries can contribute to this important effort. Accurate Census data is a key component to fair representation and funding and is vital to all types of library users, including students, researchers, businesses and community organizations.

According to ALA, 99% of Hard-to-Count (HTC) census tracts are within five miles of a public library!

Use the resources in this guide to find out more about 2020 Census activities and what you can do to promote a successful effort in your community. Get started with the Libraries' Guide to the 2020 Census from ALA.



How can I invite the Census Bureau to give a presentation at my library?

Contact Kimberly Burgess, Partnership Specialist, (775) 901-9563 for assistance in locating a partnership specialist in your area.

How can my library get 2020 Census promotional materials?

Contact Kimberly Burgess, Partnership Specialist, (775) 901-9563. Downloadable materials are also available.

Are respondents required by law to complete their Census form? What if they want to skip a question?

Title 13 of the U.S. Code states that respondents may be fined if they do not complete their Census form. Submitting an incomplete form will increase the likelihood that an enumerator will need to follow-up with a respondent in person.

Who should I contact if my staff or community members have questions about completing the form?

A Census Questionnaire Assistance hotline will be toll-free and open from mid-January to early September 2020.

For more FAQs, see:  Libraries' Guide to the 2020 Census, p. 11-12.