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The State of Nevada's Governor's Office of Federal Assistance data resource links provides data and statistical information required on many grant applications. The organization is by subject heading, although any site may have additional information available. |
U.S. Census Bureau collects data on population, economy, business, education, housing, income, families, and more. Data can be tracked over times (1990 vs. 2010) or compared by subsets (city vs. state or city vs. city). Trainings and archived webinars are available HERE |
The annual County Health Rankings measure vital health factors, including high school graduation rates, obesity, smoking, unemployment, access to healthy foods, the quality of air and water, income inequality, and teen births in nearly every county in America, providing a snapshot of how health is influenced by where we live, learn, work and play. Also provided are Roadmaps that provide guidance and tools to understand the data, and strategies that communities can use to move into action. |
KIDS COUNT is a project of the Annie E. Casey Foundation to track the well-being of children in the United States. KIDS COUNT Data Center draws from more than 50 KIDS COUNT state organizations that provide state and local data, as well publications providing insights into trends affecting child and family well-being. |
![]() | is a comprehensive research program to monitor the state of wellbeing, diversity, opportunity and equity of U.S. children. It is housed at the Institute for Child, Youth and Family Policy at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University. |
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is the principal Federal agency responsible for measuring labor market activity, working conditions, and price changes in the economy. Find statistical information by region and state on employment, inflation, consumer price index, consumer spending, pay and benefits, energy prices, and more. |
The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, Census and Demographic Data. An online tool that can be used to access census data by county and census tract. There are four report options: Demographics, Population, Income, and Housing. |
State Health Facts is a project of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation; it is comprised of more than 800 health indicators and provides users with the ability to map, rank, trend, and download data. Data come from a variety of public and private sources, including Kaiser Family Foundation reports, public websites, government surveys and reports, and private organizations. |
The Census Flows Mapper is a web mapping application intended to provide users with a simple interface to view and save county-to-county migration flows maps of the United States.The data are from the 2006-2010, 2007-2011, 2008-2012, 2009-2013, 2010-2014, and 2011-2015 American Community Surveys. |
State to State Migration Data. Pick a state, a start date and an end date, and this tool will tell you how many people and how much income moved to and from that state, from and to every other state, in the time period you've chosen. We show only state to state migration, and exclude foreign immigration and emigration. |
The BEA Regional Fact Sheet shows personal income and gross domestic product. Data is customizable by state, county, or metropolitan area. |
The Library Research Service generates library statistics and research for library and education professionals, public officials, and the media. LRS reports and analyzes statistics on school, public, and academic libraries, and conducts studies on major library issues that are reported in the Fast Facts and Closer Look series. LRS is an office of the Colorado State Library, which is a unit of the Colorado Department of Education. |
The STEM Education Resource allows the user to connect to data, trends, and analyses from the National Science Board’s Science and Engineering Indicators report. Science and Engineering Indicators (Indicators) is the “gold standard” of high-quality quantitative data on U.S. and international science, engineering, and technology. |
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IMLS defines outcomes as benefits to people: specifically, achievements or changes in skill, knowledge, attitude, behavior, condition, or life status for program participants. Any project intended to create these kinds of benefits has outcome goals. Outcome-based evaluation, "OBE," is the measurement of results. This section of the IMLS website contains information and resources about outcomes-based planning and evaluation. |
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Project Outcome is a FREE toolkit offering public libraries access to training, data analytics, and standardized surveys that measure outcomes in seven key library service areas: Civic/Community Engagement; Digital Learning; Early Childhood Literacy; Economic Development; Education/Lifelong Learning; Job Skills; and Summer Reading. |
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Three library user survey templates of different lengths to be used “as is” or adapted to your organization’s specific research needs. The short survey template focuses on customer satisfaction, the medium and long survey templates add questions about library usage, and the long survey template also includes a demographics section. Library Research Service (LRS), a unit of the Colorado State Library, conducts research for and about libraries. |
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The Governor's Office of Federal Assistance provide a collection of Nevada Community Need Assessments from public, private and non-profit community partners. The assessments are organized by subject area. |
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Registering with the System for Award Management (SAM) is a required step in order for your organization to be able to apply for federal grants (including LSTA). To register with SAM, visit the SAM website. Click HERE for a SAM registration checklist. On April 22, 2022 DUNS numbers were phased out as an accepted as a Unique Entity Identifier for federal grants. |