This collection (NvSA-000231) contains the records of the Commission for the Bicentennial of the American Revolution from 1969-1979. The 37 c.f. of materials consist of correspondence, minutes, financial records, newspaper clippings, and published materials.
To learn more about the commission, download the history here:
Contents | Dates | Extent |
Correspondence The bulk of the record group is correspondence to and from the national American Revolution Bicentennial Administration (ARBA), the Nevada American Revolution Bicentennial Commission (NARBC), Region 9 chapter of the ARBA to which Nevada belonged, local communities and units in the State, and other states. Project proposals and applications for grants-in-aid to both ARBA and NARBC constitute the majority of correspondence. Included also are the financial reports related to these projects. These are generally arranged according to county, city or institution and agency. Correspondence related to the medallion project of the NARBC is also part of the collection and includes inquiries, orders and complaints. |
1969-1979 |
29 cu. ft. |
Minutes Records of the minutes of the Nevada American Revolution Bicentennial Commission meetings from the first session in 1972 through the final session in 1977. These are filed in binders and in chronological order. |
1972-1977 |
1 cu. ft. |
Financial Records Records of the Commission's budget, and expenses and income from the Bicentennial medallion. The financial reports related to projects and grants are included with the project files in the Correspondence series. |
1972-1977 |
2 cu. ft. |
Newspaper Clippings Filed newspaper clippings that are mounted in scrapbooks constitute four (4) archives boxes. There are, however, a number of clippings inserted among the correspondence. |
1971-1977 |
4 cu. ft. |
Published Materials This series contains the publications of ARBA, Bicentennial News, and information guides and manuals, the NARBC's Opus '76, as well as various publications received from other states. These are not located in one container, but can be found in several places in the collection. |
1975-1977 |
1 cu. ft. |
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