This collection (NvSA-000101) contains the records of the Board of Pharmacy from 1901-1991. The 1.5 c.f. and 6 volumes consist of minutes and registers of licensed pharmacists.
To learn more about the board, download the history here:
Content | Dates | Extent |
Minutes Minutes consist of accounts of meetings of the State Board. Included are discussions about applications received for examinations, questions of reciprocity with other states, wording of proposed regulations, and disciplinary matters. The minutes for 1943-1949 consist of informal, sketchy notes. There are no minutes for several (scattered) years. Later minutes include names of registered pharmacists and candidates for examination. Arranged chronologically. |
1930-1989 |
1.5 cu. ft. |
Registers of Licensed Pharmacists The earlier registers of licensed pharmacists include certificate (registration) number, name, address, date of registration, diploma or certificate (source of), date of diploma, and remarks (examination score, date of replacement of certificate, notation of death, etc). Later entries contain name, certificate number, address, date of registration, remarks, date of reciprocal data, and exam scores. Volumes of special licenses consist of registers of pharmacists licensed for controlled substances, and licenses for non-pharmacists authorized to dispense, manufacture, or distribute pharmaceuticals (manufacturers, clerks, health care facilities, veterinarians, etc). Arranged by registration number (chronological). |
1901-1991 |
6 vols. |
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