This collection (NvSA-000114) contains the records of the Public Utilities Commission from 1909-1989. The 81 c.f. of materials consist of the required annual reports of motor carriers and utility companies subject to Commission regulation, meeting minutes, registers of actions, opinions and orders, and correspondence.
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Contents | Dates | Extent |
General Files Arranged by type of business (transportation, utilities), then by year, and finally in alphabetical order by business name. Most of the records consist of the required annual reports of motor carrier and utilities companies subject to Commission regulation, 1946-1989. They are then divided into subgroups for "Transportation" and "Utilities". Transportation businesses include bus, taxicab, limousine, towing, moving and storage, delivery, trucking, and other motor carriers. Utilities include gas, water, sewer, power and light, telephone, and telegraph companies. Transportation (motor carrier) company reports contain data on officers, revenues, expenses, assets, property and equipment, liabilities and equity/capital, tonnage, mileage, and depreciation. Utility reports include: company officer names, income and earned surplus, debits and credits, revenues and expenses, capital stock, operating expenses, employee compensation, depreciation, notes and accounts payable, and plants. The earliest records contain monthly or annual reports for railroads, telephone, and telegraph companies. Reporting railroads include the: Central Pacific, Southern Pacific, Union Pacific and its leased lines, Western Pacific, Virginia & Truckee, Tonopah &Tidewater, and Northern Nevada. Railroad accidents and railroad-related enterprises such as the Pullman Company and express agencies are also included. These reports contain information about corporate officers, assets and liabilities, road and equipment property, reserve funds, securities, investments, funded debt, depreciation, operating revenues and expenses. Other records include: Minutes of Meetings, January 28, 1935 to January 10, 1950; an Index to Register of Actions, 1935-1939; Register of Actions, 1935-1939; Opinions and Orders, 1935-1939. A volume of incoming and outgoing Railroad Commission correspondence, 1914-1916, can be found in box 0050. The Public Service Commission also dealt with Federal agencies such as the Interstate Commerce Commission, Federal Power Commission, Federal Communications Commission, and Department of Transportation, but little relating to these agencies are included in the records. |
Inclusive dates: 1909-1989 |
81 cu. ft. |
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