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Nevada State Data Center

Integrating Our Business Statistics for an Ever-Changing U.S. Economy

by Paula Doty on 2024-03-22T08:11:48-07:00 in Census | 0 Comments

As part of our ongoing commitment to innovation and to address our many stakeholder needs, the Economic Directorate has been working across all areas of the U.S. Census Bureau to reengineer our annual economic surveys. This process began in 2015, when the Census Bureau asked the Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT) of the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine to assemble a panel to conduct a comprehensive review of our annual economic surveys. Their findings and recommendations are summarized in this 2018 report “Reengineering the Census Bureau’s Annual Economic Surveys,” resulting in the Annual Integrated Economic Survey (AIES) that began data collection March 15.

Seven legacy annual economic surveys listed below have all had their final releases in their current format and are now integrated into a single survey – the AIES.

For me, this integration represents how we are adapting to our ever-changing economy where economic activity does not always fall into one category. While we will continue to produce data by industry and sector, the vision of AIES is the integration of the data as well as the processes.  By being open to doing surveys differently and more efficiently and not being limited by past practices, we are able to transform our business statistics, easily allowing for more robust data products that are cross-cutting rather than program-specific.

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