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Nevada State Data Center

Nevadan Appointed Member of New 2030 Census Advisory Committee

by Paula Doty on 2024-03-26T10:49:00-07:00 | 0 Comments

The U.S. Census Bureau today announced the appointment of 23 members to its new 2030 Census Advisory Committee (2030 CAC).

The 2030 CAC members, who represent various stakeholder organizations, groups, interests and viewpoints, have extensive census and survey experience. Under its charter, the 2030 CAC will assist the Census Bureau in devising strategies to increase awareness of and participation in the next decennial census, reduce barriers to response and enhance the public’s trust and willingness to respond.

“This talented group of specialists will provide the myriad perspectives and expertise that will help us produce statistical data to accurately render the beautifully diverse and dynamic nature of the nation’s population,” Census Bureau Director Robert L. Santos said. 

The newly appointed members are: 

  • Joel Alvarez, director, Population Division, New York City’s Department of City Planning.
  • Leah Austin, Ph.D., president/CEO, National Black Child Development Institute.
  • Brenda Barnes, assistant manager, Clark County Social Service; director, Southern Nevada Homelessness Continuum of Care.
  • Nancy Bates, Ph.D., former senior methodologist/statistician, U.S. Census Bureau.
  • Waahlaal Gidaag Barbara Blake, director, Alaska Native Policy Center, First Alaskans Institute.
  • Angela Broyles, founder and executive director, Texas Census Institute.
  • Cara Brumfield, director, Income and Work Supports, Center for Law and Social Policy
  • Thomas Bryan, president, BryanGeoDemo.
  • Quyên Đinh, executive director, Southeast Asia Resource Action Center.
  • Robert S. D’Intino, Ph.D., professor of management and entrepreneurship, Rowan University – Glassboro, New Jersey.
  • Alexander Edgar, external affairs vice president, Associated Students University of California.
  • Shawn Ferguson, senior vice president of government relations and chief of staff to the Office of the Chairman, Special Olympics International.
  • Maria Filippelli, data director, Southern Economic Advancement Project.
  • Jeri Green, census consultant/senior advisor, National Urban League's 2020 Census Black Roundtable.
  • Jean P. Hall, Ph.D., director, Institute for Health and Disability Policy Studies, The Research and Training Center on Independent Living, University of Kansas.
  • Mary Jo Hoeksema, director of government affairs, Population Association of America and Association of Population Centers.
  • Jessica Imotichey, Health Policy and Legislative Analyst, Chickasaw Nation Department of Health
  • Neda Maghbouleh, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of British Columbia
  • Andrew Myers, project director, Research and Training Center on Disability Rural Communities, University of Montana.
  • Kristen Olson, Ph.D., professor of sociology, Leland J. and Dorothy H. Olson; director, Bureau of Sociological Research, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
  • Arturo Vargas, chief executive officer, National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials.
  • Benjamin Williams, program principal, National Conference of State Legislatures.
  • Ting Yan, vice president/associate director, Westat.

“The 2030 Census Advisory Committee’s insights on how to address persistent undercounts and overcounts, communicate with different communities in culturally relevant ways, and to collect information in easy and efficient ways are crucial to planning the decennial census,” said Deborah Stempowski, associate director for Decennial Census Programs. “As we enter the last year of our “Design Selection Phase”, this continued engagement with stakeholders is critical while we consider the public feedback we collected along with the results of our research and testing.”

The committee is set to hold its first meeting in the near future. The meeting will be open to the public via webcast.

“The 2030 Census Advisory Committee will focus on engaging the public to participate in the decennial census through operational, technical and communications strategies,” Santos said. “We’ll also continue to work with our enterprise-level committees – the National Advisory Committee and Census Scientific Advisory Committee – to get their feedback on the many programs and initiatives across our agency.”

The committee members will each serve a three-year term and may serve an additional term at the director’s discretion. More information can be found on the 2030 CAC webpage.


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