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Records Landing

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Records Management


The Nevada State Records Center services as a centralized facility for all State of Nevada Executive Branch agencies to store and manage official records that meet specific eligibility criteria. All Executive Branch agencies may utilize the services of the Records Center, which is responsible for the storage and physical custody of agency records that are inactive and have commenced their retention period. While the Records Center has physical custody of these records, the agency retains legal ownership, control, and custody of the records stored in the center. This arrangement ensures that agencies maintain legal authority over their records while benefiting from the centralized storage and management provided by the Records Center. The center aims to optimize records management processes, enhance accessibility, and maintain the physical custodian of records until their transfer to the Nevada State Archives or authorized destruction, thereby contributing to efficient and secure records governance with state agencies.

                                      Please take a look at the 2024 Records Center Policy and Procedure Manual for more information.