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Nevada State Library, Archives & Public Records

Nevada State Archivists from Past to Present

In 1861, Orion Clemens, the Secretary of the Utah-Nevada Territory was assigned the responsibility of preserving public records and became the "Keeper of Records." When Nevada became a state in 1864, the responsibility for public records transferred to the Secretary of State, Chauncey N. Noteware, who became the first de facto State Archivist. On October 4, 1965, the State Archives officially opened its doors, and Frederick Gale was named the first official Nevada State Archivist. Today, the State Archivist directs the State Archives, State Records Program, and State Imaging & Preservation Services Program.

Read more about the State Archive’s History here.

1861 - 1965


Secretary of State

(de facto State Archivist)

de facto State Archivists, 1861 to 1965
1861-1864 (Territorial) Orion Clemens
1864-1871 Chauncey N. Noteware
1871-1879 James D. Minor
1879-1883 Jasper Babcock
1883-1891 John M. Dormer
1891-1895 Oscar H. Grey
1895-1903 Eugene Howell
1903-1911 William Gibb Douglass
1911-1923 George Brodigan
1923-1937 William G. Greathouse
1937-1947 Malcolm McEachin
1947-1965 John Koontz


1965 - Present

Date State Archivist
State Archivists, 1965 to the Present
1965-1980 Frederick Gale
1981-2009 Guy Rocha
2009-2016 Jeffery M. Kintop
2016-2019 Teri Mark
2019-2021 Cynthia Laframboise
2022-present Cyndi Shein

Printable version of Nevada State Archivists Past to Present: