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Self Care for Librarians

August Series

August Video #1

Discussion Questions 

Have you ever had a point in your life where you didn’t know how you were going to put food on the table?

If you were in that situation, in what way would you want people to help you?

What’s an unhelpful thing that you’ve seen people do when someone is struggling?

How can you as a librarian help people who are struggling to find work?

Additional Reading Materials

A study on the job market during COVID

Şahin Ayşegül Şahin Contributing Author Ayşegül Şahin is a contributing author. Murat Tasci, A., Tasci, M., & Yan, J. (2020, May 07). The Unemployment Cost of COVID-19: How High and How Long? Retrieved August 04, 2020, from

Managing your mental health after losing your job

Brown, C. (2017, September 01). 7 ways to mentally bounce back after losing your job. Retrieved August 04, 2020, from

Book List:

Ellen Langer’s Mindfulness, Goleman, D., Langer, E. J., David, S. A., & Congleton, C. (2017). Mindfulness. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. 

August Video #2

Discussion Questions

If someone comes in the library and is clearly upset or hurting, what might that raise or trigger in me?

If I was accessing public services and I was in a bad place --- how would I like to be treated?

If I’m upset what do I do to get grounded?     

Additional Reading Materials:

Life Space Interview (LSI) According to Cornell University, there are 7 steps to perform a LSI, this include the following acronym:
I Isolate the conversation
E Explore the student's point of view
S Summarize the feelings and content
C Connect feelings to behavior
A Alternative behaviors discussed
P Plan developed and new behavior practiced
E Enter the student back into the program

Activity: think of a crisis scenario and use the LSI observation to explain actions and thoughts through each step of the Life Space Interview.

Additional resources:

Vollrath, D. (2020, January 14). A De-escalation Exercise for Upset Students. In Edutopia. Retrieved from

(n.d.). In Theraputic Crisis Intervention Strategies . Retrieved from


August Video #3

Discussion Questions

How can you think about how grounding offers an instant way to discharge unwanted energies?

How does grounding promote an instant sense of calm?

How does grounding  improves mental, emotional and empathic clarity?

Additional Reading Materials:

Sinclair, S., Beamer, K., Hack, T. F., McClement, S., Raffin Bouchal, S., Chochinov, H. M., & Hagen, N. A. (2017). Sympathy, empathy, and compassion: A grounded theory study of palliative care patients' understandings, experiences, and preferences. Palliative medicine, 31(5), 437–447.

(n.d.). In Workforce Initiative. 

MIller, C. C. (2020, March). How to Be More Empathetic . In Retrieved from