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Nevada Workforce Home

Measuring Success

Value for Nevadans:

The easily understood, well-curated and well-displayed research database is designed to promote local labor markets and training opportunities for: 

  • Nevada’s priority industries and career clusters

  • To highlight the necessary corresponding credentials and certifications

  • Point people to local and statewide workforce development resources and employment opportunities

Value for public librarians and library partners: 

  • The tool provides powerful supply/demand analysis and reporting, helping staff provide timely career coaching

  • Provides customized referral process for each partner through partner profiles and local opportunities network

  • Provides customized reporting modules for each partner


  • Library card as the “identifier”

    • Custom content based upon zip code/library geo-code

  • Promote local opportunities

  • Occupation search using Work Keys

  • Individual career action plan and work readiness checklist

  • Personalized Career Hub (intelligent recommendations)

  • Smart LMI for users

    • Sector profile pages

    • Supply/demand reporting

Target groups:

  • Young adults (typically between 16 – 24) may or may not be in school, may or may not be working

  • Individuals with personal challenges to work

  • Adults in need of basic skills (typically less than a high school diploma or high school graduates in need of remediation)

  • Workers seeking career changes or advancement

  • Transitioning military (and spouses)

Performance metrics:

  • User measures - Awareness of (1) Self and (2) Resources:

    • Site visits

    • Accounts created

    • Users who take at least 1 assessment

    • Users who participate in library career navigation class (many things will influence this metric)

    • Catch and refer - referrals to partners

    • Survey (required per LSTA grant)

  • Library staff measures - Ability to build career information collection and serve as reference service:

    • Understand goals and objectives

      • use survey tool

    • Acquire content

    • Measure number of marketing mentions, email, social media, library website, displays in library

    • User engagement - number of career navigation classes face-to-face

    • User measures report - documentation of career navigation skills obtained

    • 5 question survey (per LSTA grant requirements)

Targeted industry sectors:

  1. Aerospace and Defense
  2. Health Care and Medical Services
  3. Information Technology
  4. Manufacturing and Logistics
  5. Mining and Materials
  6. Natural Resources
  7. Tourism, Gaming, and Entertainment
  8. Construction


  • Scale career pathways

  • Scale career pathways the culminate in credentials of value

  • Implement work-based learning

  • Integrate education, workforce and economic development

  • Ensure cross-institutional alignment, e.g. adopt policies and processes across partner programs/institutions regarding career pathways and smooth transitions.

  • Promote in-demand career pathways


  • Navigation in place at all libraries

  • Cross-training amongst the required partners

  • Established a referral process, ex. Make an appointment from a Partner Profile

  • Outreach plan to assist co-located partners in the library

  • Customer flow design for each library location

  • Approved operating procedural manual


State - OWINN Goals:

  1. To improve the effectiveness of the State of Nevada’s career guidance system and raise awareness about different ways to access career pathways.[1]
  2. To improve access to career pathways - an aligned system of training programs, credentials, support services, and workforce preparation activities that help an individual enter or advance within a given occupation or industry sector.[2]
  3. To provide a website that is centralized and user friendly, contains a comprehensive set of career options, and allows users to sign-up to receive reminder notifications regarding career planning progress and employment opportunities.[3]
  4. To provide a forum for sustained employer outreach to educational institutions so partnerships are formed that expose students and educators to their company’s careers, skills, and salaries.[4]
  5. To improve marketing strategies and awareness of industries, addressing expressed concerns over misconceived perceptions about them and the need to better market those industries to support employee recruitment.[5]

Regional - Workforce Connection Goals:

  1. To design and implement career exploration activities for in-demand skill sets and occupations across all of Nevada’s key industry sectors identified by the Governor’s economic development plan.
  2. To connect employers/businesses to well trained, educated and qualified individuals for employment; to create a dynamic supply of trained, skilled workers to meet workforce demands of regional and industry sectors.
  3. To develop career pathway initiatives focused on the highest growth/highest wage industry sectors in the local area.
  4. To engage and connect youth with career path and employment training opportunities relevant to the identified industry sectors.
  5. To expose youth to STEM skill sets, occupations, training and career pathways through interactive career exploration tools; to partner with educators, employers and community organizations to increase exposure for youth to the necessary skills of the future workforce.
  6. To  partner with local employers to promote youth career preparedness and exposure through work-based learning opportunities.


Nevada Career Explorer

Promotional materials for LearningExpress Library and LinkedIn learning for Public Libraries coming soon!