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2024 LSTA

Community Grants Portal

Available 2024 Grants

Competitive Grants - up to $75,000

  • Applicants may request up to $75,000. A 10% match is required.

Mini Grants - up to $10,000

  • Applicants may request up to $10,000 per funding cycle. A 10% match is required.

Planning/Assessment Grants - up to $50,000

  • Applicants may request up to $50,000 per library jurisdiction. A 10% match is required.
  • Copies of consultant bid opportunities/Scope of Work must be provided.

CE Grants (aka Travel to Training)

  • Applicants may apply for a grant awarded to library, or a grant awarded to individual, of up to $1,500 per person per CE event.

Nevada LSTA 5-year Plan, 2023-2027

Subgrants must advance one of the four goals identified in Nevada's LSTA 5 Year Plan, 2023-2027. 

  • Goal 1: Planning and Assessment
  • Goal 2: Capacity, Training, and Sustainability
  • Goal 3: Partnerships and Sharing
  • Goal 4: Services and Resources

LSTA Eligibility

LSTA grant opportunities are available to all eligible Nevada libraries.

To be eligible to receive LSTA funds, all applicant libraries, library consortia, and library organizations must certify to the Nevada State Library, Archives and Public Records (NSLAPR) that they meet the following applicable eligibility criteria:

Public, School, Academic, and Special/Research Libraries

  • Is supported by public revenues (51% or more) or is a non-profit institution or agency.
  • Makes the collection accessible to its primary clientele organized according to a professionally accepted classification system.
  • Participates in resource sharing through the Information Nevada program.
  • Serves its primary clientele free of charge.
  • Has a fixed location with regular, published hours of operation.
  • Has one or more designated and trained library staff.
  • Has an annual budget with funds reserved for library materials and services.
  • Has a current, written long range or strategic plan addressing library services that is available for review. 
  • Submits all reports required by NSLAPR in a complete, accurate and timely manner.

The applicant or participating library must also meet the following requirements:

  • Public Libraries: Must meet the Minimum Standards for Public Libraries.
  • School Libraries: The school district employs at least one certified library/media specialist.
  • Academic Libraries: Be accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities

Tribal Libraries

  • Be recognized and supported by a tribal government in Nevada
  • Be able to document an existing library that meets, at a minimum, three basic criteria: (1) regularly scheduled hours, (2) staff, and (3) materials available for library users.

Library Consortia

  • Be a Nevada local, regional, or statewide cooperative of library entities which provides for the systematic and effective coordination of resources of school, public, academic, and/or special libraries and information centers, for improved services for the clientele of such library entities [20 U.S.C. 9122(2)].
  • Has a formal organized structure that includes governance, membership, long range planning and regular funding components.
  • Has among its members one or more libraries that meet library eligibility requirements as stated above.

Non-profit Library Related Organizations

  • Be a non-profit entity registered with the Nevada Secretary of State.
  • Has tax exempt status under the Internal Revenue Section 501(C)3.
  • Has a formal organized structure that includes governance, membership, long range planning and regular funding components.

These criteria were approved by the Nevada State Council on Libraries and Literacy in May 2008 and realigned for clarity in January 2023.

2024 Deadlines/Important Dates

Competitive, Mini, and Planning Grants Calendar
Date Activity Grant 
03/13/24 Announcement of LSTA grant program  All
04/04/24 Application webinar (mandatory) All
06/14/24 Application 1st Draft due (optional) Competitive, Cycle 1 Mini, Planning
07/19/24 Full Applications due Competitive, Cycle 1 Mini, Planning
July 2024 LSTA Review Panel: review, scoring, meeting, and funding recommendations to NSLAPR Competitive, Cycle 1 Mini, Planning
August 2024 Funding Recommendations and Awards Competitive, Cycle 1 Mini, Planning
09/01/24 2024 LSTA Projects begin Competitive, Cycle 1 Mini, Planning
12/06/24 Cycle 2 Application 1st Draft due (optional) Cycle 2 Mini
01/17/25 Cycle 2 applications due Cycle 2 Mini
January 2025 LSTA Review Panel: review, scoring, meeting, and funding recommendations to NSLAPR Cycle 2 Mini
February 2025 Funding Recommendations and Awards Cycle 2 Mini
03/01/25 Cycle 2 projects begin Cycle 2 Mini
03/31/25 Mid Year report due Competitive, Cycle 1 Mini & Planning
09/30/25 2024 LSTA projects end All
10/17/25 Final day to request reimbursements.  All
12/01/25 Final Reports due All

*Refer to your Grant-In-Aid (GIA) agreement for your required and reports and their due dates.

2024 LSTA CE Grants and Stipends (Travel to Training) Calendar
Activity Date
Applications available March 2024
Applications due


  • Virtual: 2 weeks before CE event
  • In-person: 2 weeks before CE Event
  • In-person + airfare: 2 months before the CE event

CE Deadline waivers: contact Library Planning and Development ( Reasonable accommodations will be considered, but not all waivers requests can be approved.

Funding notification Approximately 1 -2 weeks after submission. 
Final evaluation due 2 months after project end date
Reimbursement requests due 2 month after project end date 

Application Guidance (Allowable Costs, ADA, eBooks, LEP, Title IX, etc.)


Copies of forms that must be uploaded with applications in the Community Grants Portal (forms are also available within the application itself).