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Nevada Talking Book Services

Audio and braille books and magazines

Support Talking Book Services

Donate & Support NTBS

The Nevada Talking Book Services (NTBS) Needs Your Help! The NTBS accepts donations and memorial gifts to be used by the Talking Book Program. These funds will be utilized to support individuals and families in your community who need a more effective way to read because of a physical impairment, a reading disability or a vision impairment. We are extremely careful with the dollars you entrust in our care. By making a donation today, you are helping transform lives one child, one adult at a time. Questions?  Call NTBS toll-free at 800-922-9334.

Donate by Mail:  If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your contribution in the form of money order or check to: NTBS, 100 North Stewart St., Carson City, NV  89701

Memorial Gifts:  Memorial gifts are a wonderful way to celebrate special occasions or holidays, to thank a friend or relative, to honor someone special or to remember the life of a loved one. Notification of your gift will be sent to the honoree or family of the deceased.

Matching Gifts:  You can increase your donation with employer matching funds!  Many employers will match your personal donation.  Check with your company for more information on matching gift programs.

Planned Giving:  A gift bequest to NTBS is your guarantee that your gift will continue to benefit people in need of our services now and for years to come.