Braille on Demand
NLS patrons who read braille can now request hard-copy braille books to keep indefinitely! Many patrons are taking advantage of this new offering by requesting books of knitting patterns or cookbooks, while others are building at-home libraries of their favorite book series. To request a book in hard-copy braille, use the form found online at If you would like to speak with someone or place your request over the phone, please contact Nevada Talking Book Services at 800-922-9334 or NLS at 1-800-424-8567 or
Patron Listserv
Want to learn how to make the most of the services NLS provides? The NLS Patron Engagement Section now hosts an announcement-only listserv with information and updates about NLS programs, services, and products. New posts are added to the list a few times a week. To sign up for this listserv, send your name and email address to the Patron Engagement Section at You can unsubscribe yourself from the list at any time.