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Public Records


A Nevada State Record is NRS 239.005(6) “Official state record” includes, without limitation: Papers, unpublished books, maps and photographs; Information stored on magnetic tape or computer, laser or optical disc; Materials that are capable of being read by a machine, including, without limitation, microforms and audio and visual materials; and Materials that are made or received by a state agency and preserved by that agency or its successor as evidence of the organization, operation, policy or any other activity of that agency or because of the information contained in the material.

The records described in NRS 239.005(6) are open for public inspection unless otherwise declared confidential by law. 

To request access to recent or current public records, please contact the specific State agency that created the records and complete a public records request form with that agency.

Public Records Request

To submit a public records request:

  • Please submit the request in writing; you may use the Nevada Public Records Request Form
  • Send the request to the attention of the Department's public information officer.
  • You can submit your request any of the following ways:
    • Email to
    • Mail to the Department of Administration, 515 E. Musser St., Carson City NV 89701

Please note:

  • Requests should be as specific as possible and include the requester’s contact information.
  • The Department will respond to the request within five business days.
  • If the request cannot be fulfilled within five business days, the Department will provide written notice of that fact, let the requester know the earliest date and time it reasonably believes the record will be available, and may work with the requester to focus the request so the Department can respond as expeditiously as possible.