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2021 LSTA

LSTA Applications

CE/Travel to Training Scholarships (07/01/21-06/30/22)

About CE Deadines: please contact the LSTA Coordinator if you have questions about CE application deadlines or would like to request an extension. Reasonable accommodations will be considered.

ARP Digital Collection Development for Public Libraries

  • Grant Announcement: March 11, 2022
  • Eligibility: Nevada public libraries meeting LSTA requirements:
  • Grant amount: This is a formula grant opportunity; the State Collection Development Grant formula will be used to determine LSTA ARP Digital Collection Development allotments.
  • Funding Period: Projects occurring between July 1, 2021-September 30, 2022.
  • Application Deadline: March 30, 2022.
  • Required Certifications (one set per library per federal year). If you have been awarded a 2021 LSTA grant, your 2021 signed documents are on file. No need to resubmit.

LSTA ARP Digital Collection Development will be submitted online through the Grants Portal.. The application will be preloaded onto your library's account- click the Update/My Applications section.

Contact LSTA Coordinator Sulin Jones if you need registration assistance:, 775-684-3340.

LSTA ARP Plus - Pitch an Idea 

LSTA ARP Plus and applications will be submitted online through the Grants Portal

Contact LSTA Coordinator Sulin Jones if you need registration assistance:, 775-684-3340.

LSTA ARP Formula Grants

  • LSTA ARP Formula grant applications are closed

Competitive Grants (07/01/21-08/31/22)

Mini Grants (07/01/21-08/31/22)


Application Guidance

2021 Deadlines/Important Dates

2021 LSTA Grant Calendar
Funding Period: July 1, 2021 - August 31, 2022

Grant Type Activity Date
All Announcement of LSTA grant program  November 9, 2020
All 2021 Overview webinar (mandatory) - will be recorded November 18, 2020 
Competitive Proposals Due (mandatory) January 15, 2021
Competitive Proposal phone calls  January 20-22, 2021
Competitive Proposal written feedback to applicants January 29, 2021
Competitive Application webinar February 1, 2021
Competitive 1st Draft Due, Competitive Grants (mandatory) February 19, 2021
Competitive 1st draft review and feedback to applicants March 5, 2021
Competitive Final Application Due, Competitive Grants March 26, 2021
Competitive SCLL meeting, review and ranking of competitive applications. Applicant Q&A April 13, 2021
Mini Cycle 1 Mini Grant applications due May 17, 2021
Competitive, Mini Projects begin, competitive & cycle 1 mini grants July 1, 2021
Mini Cycle 2 Mini Grant applications due August 16, 2021
Competitive, Mini* 1st Quarter report due (if applicable) November 1, 2021
Mini Cycle 3 Mini Grant applications due November 15, 2021
Competitive, Mini* 2nd Quarter report due (if applicable) January 31, 2022
Mini Cycle 4 Mini Grant applications due February 15, 2022
Competitive, Mini* 3rd Quarter report due (if applicable) May 2, 2022
Competitive, Mini* 4th Quarter report due (if applicable)  August 1, 2022
All 2021 LSTA projects end. Project extensions will NOT be granted August 31, 2022
All Reimbursements Requests: Final day to request reimbursements. No reimbursements will be processed after this date. September 15, 2022
Competitive, Mini Final Reports due November 4, 2022

*Quarterly Reports for Mini grants are linked to project start dates. Not all project will need to submit reports for all 3 quarters. Refer to your Grant-In-Aid (GIA) agreement for your required and reports and their due dates.

2021 LSTA CE Scholarship (Travel to Training) Calendar
Funding Period: July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022

Activity Date
Announcement of CE Scholarships March 2021
Applications due Rolling: 1 month before project start date or 2 months if airfare is requested; Deadline waivers with LSTA Coordinator's approval
Funding notification At least 2 weeks prior to project start date
Final evaluation due 2 months after project end date
Reimbursement requests due 2 month after project end date or 07/23/22, whichever comes first

Please contact the LSTA Coordinator if you have questions about deadlines or would like to request an extension. Reasonable accommodations will be considered. 


2021 LSTA Project Management Webinar
Tuesday, June 28, 2021 @ 3 pm

2021 LSTA Project Management webinar
Tuesday, June 28, 2021 @ 3pm

  • Mandatory for all 2021 subgrantees


Archived recording: posted after webinar

Nevada State Library is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: 2021 LSTA Project Management (mandatory)
Time: Jun 29, 2021 03:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 853 6375 7174
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Meeting ID: 853 6375 7174
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2021 LSTA Overview Webinar -  Mandatory
Wednesday, November 18, 2020 @ 2 pm


2021 LSTA Application Webinar - Optional
Monday, February 1, 2021 @ 2 pm


2021 Mini Grant Webinar
Monday, March 29, 2021 @ 3 pm

Webinars from 2020

Proposal webinar (November 2019)

Application Webinar (January 2020)

Mini Grant Webinar (April 2020)

Mini Grants & CE/Travel to Training Overview (April 2020)

LSTA Webinars on YouTube

Archived LSTA webinars from previous grant years

About LSTA Grants

The Institute of Museum and Library Services' Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Grants to States program is the largest source of federal funding support for library services in the United States. The Grants to States program allocates a base amount to each state plus a supplemental amount based on population. For each of the 50 states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia, the base amount is $680,000 each. You can see recent allotments for all the states here

The Nevada State Library, Archives and Public Records (NSLAPR) uses Grants to State funds to meet LSTA specified priorities (20 U.S.C. § 9141) as well as Nevada's 5 Year Plan goals, either through statewide programs or competitive subgrants to eligible public, school, special, and academic libraries throughout Nevada. In order to remain eligibile for Grants to State LSTA funds, Nevada must meet statutory Matching and Maintenance of Effort (MOE) requirements.

LSTA funds help Nevada libraries solidify their roles as community educational centers, through planning, assessment, training, and partnerships, building capacity, and identifying user access needs. 

LSTA Planning Documents

LSTA Eligibility

LSTA grant opportunities are available to all eligible Nevada libraries.

To be eligible to apply for LSTA funds, each applicant library and participant library must certify to the Nevada State Library, Archives and Public Records (NSLAPR) that it meets all of the following eligibility criteria:

  • Is supported by public revenues (51% or more) or is a non-profit institution or agency;
  • Makes the collection accessible to its primary clientele organized according to a nationally accepted classification system;
  • Participates in resource sharing through the Information Nevada program;
  • Serves its primary clientele free of charge;
  • Has a fixed location with regular, published hours of operation;
  • Has one or more paid library staff; Has an annual budget with funds reserved for library materials and services;
  • Has a current, written long range or strategic plan that is available for review. 

The applicant or participating library must also meet the following requirements:

  • Public Libraries: Must meet the Minimum Standards for Public Libraries;
  • School Libraries: The school district employs at least one certified library/media specialist;
  • Academic Libraries: Be accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
  • Library Consortia:
    • Be a Nevada local, regional, or statewide cooperative of library entities which provides for the systematic and effective coordination of resources of school, public, academic, and/or special libraries and information centers, for improved services for the clientele of such library entities [20 U.S.C. 9122(2)]; and
    • Have a formal organized structure that includes governance, membership, long range planning and regular funding components.
  • Non-profit library related organization:
    • Be a non-profit entity registered with the Nevada Secretary of State; and
    • Have tax exempt status under the Internal Revenue Section 501(C)3.

These criteria were approved by the Nevada State Council on Libraries and Literacy in May 2008.