Date | Activity | Grant |
02/03/23 | Announcement of LSTA grant program | All |
03/03/23 | Proposals due (mandatory) | Competitive |
03/07-03/09/23 | Proposal phone calls (optional) | Competitive |
03/22/23 | Proposal decisions to applicants | Competitive |
03/24/23 | Application webinar (mandatory) | Competitive |
04/14/23 | Application 1st Draft due (optional) | Competitive |
05/15/23 | Full Applications due | Competitive, Cycle 1 Mini, Planning |
05/15-Early June | LSTA Review Panel: review, scoring, meeting, and funding recommendations to NSLAPR | Competitive, Cycle 1 Mini, Planning |
June 2023 | Funding Recommendations and Awards | Competitive, Cycle 1 Mini, Planning |
07/01/23 | 2023 LSTA Projects begin | Competitive, Cycle 1 Mini, Planning |
11/15/23 | Cycle 2 applications due | Cycle 2 Mini, Planning |
11/15-Early December, 2023 | LSTA Review Panel: review, scoring, meeting, and funding recommendations to NSLAPR | Cycle 2 Mini, Planning |
December 2023 | Funding Recommendations and Awards | Cycle 2 Mini, Planning |
01/01/24 | Cycle 2 projects begin | Cycle 2 Mini, Planning |
01/31/24 | Mid Year report due | Competitive, Cycle 1 Mini & Planning |
08/31/24 | 2023 LSTA projects end | All |
09/20/24 | Reimbursements Requests: Final day to request reimbursements. Contact LSTA Coordinator immediately if you will not be able to meet this deadline. | All |
10/31/24 | Final Reports due | All |
*Refer to your Grant-In-Aid (GIA) agreement for your required and reports and their due dates.
Activity | Date |
Applications available | March 2023 |
Applications due |
Funding notification | Approximately 1 -2 weeks after submission. |
Final evaluation due | 2 months after project end date |
Reimbursement requests due | 2 month after project end date |
Please contact the LSTA Coordinator if you have questions about CE deadlines or would like to request an extension. Reasonable accommodations will be considered.